Age of Wonders 4: Ways of War Steam price comparison

With our price comparison you find all Age of Wonders 4: Ways of War CD Keys and prices from Steam. Compare Age of Wonders 4: Ways of War for Steam for the best price. Check out all CD Key Stores and enjoy Age of Wonders 4: Ways of War on Steam today. Buy Age of Wonders 4: Ways of War on Steam now!
Achieve perfection in battle with Age of Wonders 4: Ways of War. Embrace the Oathsworn culture and devote yourself to their warrior's code. Deploy disciplined monks and shadowy assassins. Investigate mysterious happenings that see your fellow Godir replaced by demons and dragons. Lead two new forms for your factions: the hulking Ogrekin or the strong Simians. This content pack contains a new culture, new tomes, new wildlife units and a new type of narrative event chain.