The "Anno" series has been around for 20 years, and the basic game principle hasn't changed in the last 20 years: You build a small settlement into a flourishing trade metropolis, optimize production chains and ensure the satisfaction of your population with the goods generated. All this took place four times in front of a historical setting (1602, 1503, 1701 and 1404), with the fifth part of the series it became futuristic: "Anno 2070" and "Anno 2205" shifted the build-up strategy into the future, settlement of the moon included. With "Anno 1800", developer Blue Byte now returns to the past and thus to the roots of the series.
After an excursion into the future, Anno 1800 now takes us back to the past, more precisely to the beginning of the 19th century and industrialisation. Ubisoft speaks of the most popular features from the 20-year Anno history with extensive urban planning experience, a story-based campaign, a perfectly customizable sandbox mode and classic Anno multiplayer experience. Do not wait any longer and pre order Anno 1800 for the best price today!