Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story Steam price comparison

With our price comparison you find all Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story CD Keys and prices from Steam. Compare Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story for Steam for the best price. Check out all CD Key Stores and enjoy Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story on Steam today. Buy Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story on Steam now!
"Another Lost Phone is a game about exploring the social life of a young woman whose phone you have just found.
This game is shaped as a narrative investigation: you have to link elements from the different applications, messages and pictures to progress. Scrolling through the phone’s content, you will find out about Laura’s life: her friendships, her professional life and the events that led to her mysterious disappearance and the loss of this phone."
This game is shaped as a narrative investigation: you have to link elements from the different applications, messages and pictures to progress. Scrolling through the phone’s content, you will find out about Laura’s life: her friendships, her professional life and the events that led to her mysterious disappearance and the loss of this phone."
Price comparison
Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story is available from 0.14 to 11.10 from 9 shops.