Chime Sharp Nintendo price comparison

Chime Sharp
With our price comparison you find all Chime Sharp CD Keys and prices from Nintendo. Compare Chime Sharp for Nintendo for the best price. Check out all CD Key Stores and enjoy Chime Sharp on Nintendo today. Buy Chime Sharp on Nintendo now!

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Place pieces, paint the board, make music. Chime Sharp is an sequel to 2009's Chime, a music puzzle game with an addictive, ambient heartbeat. You tessellate shapes to cover a grid, while a beatline reads those shapes as notes. As you cover the board the music builds to a beautiful crescendo of your own design. The only way to discover Chime is to play it, but if you want a glimpse, consider what it might feel like to cross Tetris, a music sequencer and a hypnotic dream about your favourite pop song.

Price comparison

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Chime Sharp
Chime Sharp is available from 8.60 to 8.60 from 6 shops.

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Music · Puzzle
Available in 6 Shops · 86/100 based on 3 game critics

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