Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard GOG price comparison

With our price comparison you find all Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard CD Keys and prices from GOG. Compare Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard for GOG for the best price. Check out all CD Key Stores and enjoy Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard on GOG today. Buy Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard on GOG now!
Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard is a real-time strategy role-playing video game, developed for Microsoft Windows by Liquid Entertainment, and published by Atari in 2005. It takes place in Eberron, one of the official Dungeons & Dragons campaign settings. The game combines elements of traditional real-time strategy gameplay with role-playing elements such as hero units, and questing. Dragonshard includes two single-player campaigns, single-player skirmish maps, and multiplayer support. The single-player campaign follows the struggles of three competing factions to gain control of a magical artifact known as the Heart of Siberys.
Although Dragonshard was billed by Atari as "the first Dungeons & Dragons real-time strategy experience,"[2] Stronghold (1993) precedes it by over a decade.[3]
Although Dragonshard was billed by Atari as "the first Dungeons & Dragons real-time strategy experience,"[2] Stronghold (1993) precedes it by over a decade.[3]
Price comparison
Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard is available from 8.54 to 9.44 from 2 shops.