Golden Axe II price comparison

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Platform Steam
Platform Steam
Just UpdatedAll SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis titles now launch using the new SEGA MegaDrive/Genesis Interactive Hub, with all new features, UI and Steam Workshop Support!
About the GameThe Lord of Darkness, Dark Guld, has arisen again. Wielding the famous Golden Axe, he has destroyed entire countries with his evil clan, forcing the world into chaos.
Once again, three brave warriors stand up to face the oppressors, and won’t rest until the Golden Axe is returned to its rightful place.
About the GameThe Lord of Darkness, Dark Guld, has arisen again. Wielding the famous Golden Axe, he has destroyed entire countries with his evil clan, forcing the world into chaos.
Once again, three brave warriors stand up to face the oppressors, and won’t rest until the Golden Axe is returned to its rightful place.