Mirror's Edge Catalyst Origin price comparison

Mirror's Edge Catalyst
With our price comparison you find all Mirror's Edge Catalyst CD Keys and prices from Origin. Compare Mirror's Edge Catalyst for Origin for the best price. Check out all CD Key Stores and enjoy Mirror's Edge Catalyst on Origin today. Buy Mirror's Edge Catalyst on Origin now!


Mirror's Edge Catalyst is an action-adventure game and the prequel to Mirror's Edge. The story in the game explores the past of the protagonist Faith. Like in the previous game, the main gameplay in Mirror's Edge Catalyst involves traversing the city using parkour to reach certain objectives. Unlike the linear levels in Mirror's Edge, Mirror's Edge Catalyst features an open-world free-roaming environment. Combat has been overhauled and emphasized compared to the first game and Catalyst no longer allows the player to use weapons, instead focusing on melee attacks.

Price comparison

Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Origin
Mirror's Edge Catalyst EU
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Origin
Mirror's Edge Catalyst Global
Logo Difmark Difmark
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Origin
Mirrors Edge Catalyst PC Global
-10%: gamekeycompare
€3,54 €3,19
Logo eneba eneba
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Origin
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Logo G2A G2A
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Origin
Mirror's Edge Catalyst EA App Key POLAND
Logo G2A G2A
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Origin
Mirror's Edge Catalyst (PC) - EA App Key - GLOBAL
Logo G2A G2A
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Origin
Mirror's Edge Catalyst (PC) - EA App Key - EUROPE
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Origin
Mirrors Edge Catalyst PC Global
-3%: gamekeycompare
€5,22 €5,06
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Origin
Mirror's Edge Global
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Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Publisher
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
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Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Publisher
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Mirror's Edge Catalyst is available from 2.53 to 6.20 from 8 shops.

More info

Fighting · Adventure
Available in 8 Shops

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