Murder In Tehran's Alleys 2016 price comparison

With our price comparison you find all Murder In Tehran's Alleys 2016 CD Keys and prices from CD Code Stores. Compare Murder In Tehran's Alleys 2016 for the best price. Check out all CD Key Stores and enjoy Murder In Tehran's Alleys 2016 today. Buy Murder In Tehran's Alleys 2016 now!
Platform Steam
Platform Steam
This is the story of the time when narcotics impair the brain; the time when a father’s hallucination becomes the dawn of his family’s demise by slicing them into pieces for a sin they have not committed; the time when revenge is the only reason to live. A series of violent and ruthless murders committed on the pretext of Deadly Sins (religion) brings Faramarz Afshar, a 32-year-old detective, into a case for which no easy conclusion can be found. "Murder in Tehran’s Alleys 2" is a tribute to David Fincher’s "Se7en".
Price comparison
Murder In Tehran's Alleys 2016 is available from 0.75 to 29.84 from 4 shops.