RAGE 2 price comparison

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Rage 2 begins many years after the plot of the post-apocalyptic end-time shooter Rage from 2011 and tells the story of Walker, the last ranger of the wasteland.
This time, however, the game world is completely free to explore and not divided into individual levels and areas by loading times. As in its predecessor, different factions such as mutants, the tyrannical authority or bandit clans fight for the last resources in the wasteland and the valuable mineral Feltrite, which came to earth with the devastating asteroid and is responsible for grotesque mutations as well as being used in high-tech weapons and equipment.
Mad Max style armed vehicles also play a big role in the big Open World again - from monster trucks to mechs to gyrocopters. Completely new, however, are the Nanotrit powers, with which Walker can either catapult himself up into the air or hurl opponents through the air. While the first Rage was developed by the Doom makers of id Software and used id Tech, the Just-Cause-makers of Avalance are responsible for Rage 2 and use the Apex-Engine. id Software helps out in an advisory capacity.
The cooperation between id Software and Avalanche Studios could actually bear fruit: "Rage 2" has been a great first-person shooter so far and the digital post-apocalypse also looks atmospheric. Thanks to the special abilities, the fights are fast and invite you to experiment.
Whether "Rage 2" works as an open-world game, however, cannot be said at this point - because we have neither scrutinized the open world nor the driving sequences themselves. Even in terms of story and sidequests there is an acute lack of information. Nevertheless, the overall quality of the demo was right - even though there is still room for improvement technically.
This time, however, the game world is completely free to explore and not divided into individual levels and areas by loading times. As in its predecessor, different factions such as mutants, the tyrannical authority or bandit clans fight for the last resources in the wasteland and the valuable mineral Feltrite, which came to earth with the devastating asteroid and is responsible for grotesque mutations as well as being used in high-tech weapons and equipment.
Mad Max style armed vehicles also play a big role in the big Open World again - from monster trucks to mechs to gyrocopters. Completely new, however, are the Nanotrit powers, with which Walker can either catapult himself up into the air or hurl opponents through the air. While the first Rage was developed by the Doom makers of id Software and used id Tech, the Just-Cause-makers of Avalance are responsible for Rage 2 and use the Apex-Engine. id Software helps out in an advisory capacity.
The cooperation between id Software and Avalanche Studios could actually bear fruit: "Rage 2" has been a great first-person shooter so far and the digital post-apocalypse also looks atmospheric. Thanks to the special abilities, the fights are fast and invite you to experiment.
Whether "Rage 2" works as an open-world game, however, cannot be said at this point - because we have neither scrutinized the open world nor the driving sequences themselves. Even in terms of story and sidequests there is an acute lack of information. Nevertheless, the overall quality of the demo was right - even though there is still room for improvement technically.