The game's storyline begins when a massive and enigmatic alien structure appears in Earth's orbit, stunning the entire world. The Sentient Contact Assessment and Response team (SCAR) is sent to investigate the structure, but things go awry, and the team is transported to a mysterious extrasolar planet.
Players take on the role of Dr. Kate Ward, a member of the SCAR team who wakes up alone in a hostile environment. Determined to survive, players must explore the alien world and find their crew while unraveling the mystery behind what's happened.
Scars Above is a combination of shooter and adventure genres, with mechanics that require players to overcome challenges and obstacles to progress through the game. The game's themes of action, science fiction, and horror come together to create a thrilling and immersive experience.
Mad Head Games has created a game that challenges players to think strategically and use their problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles. The game's intricate storyline keeps players engaged, while the mysterious alien world provides a fascinating environment to explore.
In summary, Scars Above is an intense and challenging game that combines the best elements of shooter and adventure genres. With its intricate storyline, stunning visuals, and engaging gameplay, it is sure to be a hit with fans of science fiction and action games alike.