Star Horizon price comparison

Star Horizon
With our price comparison you find all Star Horizon CD Keys and prices from CD Code Stores. Compare Star Horizon for the best price. Check out all CD Key Stores and enjoy Star Horizon today. Buy Star Horizon now!

Platform Steam


Experience fast action, thrilling levels, spectacular explosions and lots of pew-pew-pew. Star Horizon is a reboot for the on-rails space shooter genre. You are John, a private in the service of the Federation who doesn’t fight to rack up kills or for honour and pride, he just fights to survive and get the whole thing over with. His ship is controlled by Ellie, an Artificial Intelligence which is programmed to help pilots stay mentally strong throughout the war and which can not kill human beings

When her Mothership is destroyed Ellie puts John into hibernation for 1000 years. Now he will have to discover what really happened and maybe, but just maybe, save the galaxy.

Price comparison

Star Horizon — Steam
Star Horizon Global
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Star Horizon
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Star Horizon — Steam
Star Horizon Steam CD Key
-5%: GKC5
€21,03 €19,98
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Star Horizon
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Star Horizon
Star Horizon is available from 1.52 to 19.98 from 4 shops.

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Shooter · Indie
Available in 4 Shops

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