Tales of Zestiria price comparison

With our price comparison you find all Tales of Zestiria CD Keys and prices from CD Code Stores. Compare Tales of Zestiria for the best price. Check out all CD Key Stores and enjoy Tales of Zestiria today. Buy Tales of Zestiria now!
Platform Steam
Platform Steam
Tales of Zestiria is a Japanese role-playing game. It is the fifteenth main entry in the Tales series. As with previous entries in the Tales series, the game uses a variation of the action-based Linear Motion Battle System, with additional elements including a navigable open world, and the ability for certain characters to fuse into a single entity in battle to deliver powerful attacks. The story follows Sorey, a young man blessed with powers by a mystical spirit race known as the Seraphim who act as a stabilizing force in the land, as he travels to free the land of Glenwood from the threat of the Hellion, creatures spawned by negative emotions.
Price comparison
Tales of Zestiria is available from 2.90 to 49.99 from 12 shops.