Terror at Oakheart Steam price comparison

Terror at Oakheart
With our price comparison you find all Terror at Oakheart CD Keys and prices from Steam. Compare Terror at Oakheart for Steam for the best price. Check out all CD Key Stores and enjoy Terror at Oakheart on Steam today. Buy Terror at Oakheart on Steam now!

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The renowned slasher horror films of the 1980s and 1990s serve as a source of inspiration for Terror at Oakheart. The community of Oakheart has been terrorized by Teddy, a masked serial killer. As the body count rises, you discover there is more going on here than just a man in a mask killing helpless teenagers.

The side-scrolling, pixel-based game Terror At Oakheart aims to replicate the experience of watching an 80s horror movie. You will play a variety of characters throughout the game, and all of them will perish horribly at the hands of Teddy, a psychotic serial murderer who is under the sway of a Lovecraftian beast. You will move through a number of set pieces in the Town of Oakheart, such as Teddy's house, the nearby police station, a ranger station, camp areas, and more!

Uncover the truth and fight to survive in this unique pixel-based horror game full of gruesome gore and fearful frights!

Price comparison

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Terror at Oakheart — Steam
Terror At Oakheart Steam CD Key
-5%: GKC5
€5,56 €5,28
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Terror at Oakheart
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Terror at Oakheart
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Terror at Oakheart
Terror at Oakheart is available from 5.28 to 5.93 from 2 shops.

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Puzzle · Adventure
Available in 2 Shops

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