During the ensuing war the Federation discovers that the Empire possesses a secret weapon, known as the "Valkyria" - an ancient race with special powers thought to exist only in legends. With this new discovery the fate of the Federation's ability to turn the tide of the war, and the hope for a better future, hang in the balance.
“CANVAS” graphics engine: A unique engine that produces breath taking images that look like watercolour paintings in motion.
“BLiTZ” tactical battle system: Experience strategic manoeuvring of units combined with conventional RPG gameplay, all layered on top of the moment to moment action afforded by real-time controls as players command each squad member and tank in battle.
Epic storyline: Players will immerse themselves in the epic struggle for freedom, as the fate of the world lies in the hands of Welkin and the members of the 7th platoon.
Customisation: Over 100 customisable characters allow players to create a variety of platoons to suit each battle’s needs.
Beautifully rendered battlefields: Players explore 30 different environments, using unique terrain features to gain advantages in battle.